Saniderm Aftercare Instructions

Saniderm should not be used if you have sensitive skin or adhesive allergies. For more information about this product, please visit the Saniderm FAQ Page.

General rules of Saniderm:

  • Avoid aftercare products with synthetic ingredients, fragrances and dyes

  • Always wash your hands before cleaning your tattoo or replacing bandages

  • If your skin shows any signs of irritation under/around the bandage, remove it immediately*

  • If the bandage leaks, remove it immediately and re-apply

  • Fluid buildup under the bandage is normal

  • Don’t soak your bandage; showering is okay but no baths, pools, jacuzzis, natural bodies of water, saunas, etc

  • Avoid long, hot showers and any activity that may cause excessive sweating**

  • Don’t let your tattoo come into contact with anything that might carry harmful bacteria (pets, children, unwashed bed sheets, dirty environments, etc)

  • Keep your tattoo out of the sun

    *Resume the standard healing instructions

    **Heat and moisture can weaken the adhesion

Removing Saniderm:

Do not leave the first bandage on longer than 24-hrs! It is best to remove Saniderm bandages in the shower (the heat and humidity helps!) Gently—and slowly—pull the bandage down over itself in the direction of hair growth.

Re-Applying Saniderm:

  • Wash your hands and the tattooed area with a mild soap and water

    • Pat—do not rub—the tattoo dry with a clean paper towel (not fabric!)

    • Don’t apply any ointment/lotion

  • With clean scissors, trim the bandage to size, rounding the corners and allowing a 1-inch border (or more) around the tattoo

  • Peel off the paper backing to expose the adhesive side

  • Gently apply the center of the bandage to the tattoo, using light pressure to smooth the film from the center out; do not stretch or pull it tightly across the skin

  • Using the perforations, remove the plastic top layer from the clear bandage film

The second bandage can be worn for 3–5 days. If the tattoo weeps into the second bandage, re-apply a third bandage at the next 24-hr period and keep it on for 5 days.

Saniderm bandages should not be worn for more than 6 days consecutively.

Post-Saniderm care (up to 2 weeks):

  • Wash your tattoo 1–2 times per day

  • If there is any scabbing, flaking or peeling, do not pick at your tattoo!

  • Lightly moisturize as needed

  • Your tattoo will enter the “onion skin” phase and the new skin generally settles in a few weeks with regular moisturizing

  • After 2 weeks, continue to moisturize regularly, exfoliate occasionally and always wear sunscreen